About me

Laura Matteucci The cooking Globetrotter
Laura Matteucci The cooking Globetrotter

Who am I?

I am Laura, married, mother of a 10 years old boy and 3 years old girl.

Why Globetrotter?

I was born and raised in Italy, in a city not far from Milan. My grandparents where located in Umbria and Puglia, so travelling has always been a part of who I am.

I went to school and studied Business Administration close to my home. As a child I spent two years in the USA, where my father was relocated for work and during university I was Erasamus in Graz, Austria.

Graz is our home base, there I met my husband (he is Austrian). Both our kids were born in Graz.

We moved to China when our son was three months old and spent 5 years in Hangzhou.

After our daughter was born, we relocated to Singapore, where we are currently enjoying the last weeks of our three years assignment.

Why cooking Globetrotter?

I have a passion for cooking and am really lucky to be able to share it with so many lovely ladies from all over the world.

Learning to cook home-made dishes directly from the experts, in cooking classes or from friends, has been my hobby in the past years. I learnt how to manage Indian spices, make Chinese dumplings, use Thai ingredients and much more.

What’s on this blog?

Here on my Blog I share with you easy recipes from around the world.

I have been working as a Buyer for many years and so I know how to search, source and pick the right recipe between the overwhelming amount of content that is available everywhere.

The recipes I publish on The cooking Globetrotter and other social media have been tried and tested, I use natural ingredients, make mostly everything from scratch and keep it simple. Also you will not need to spend hours cleaning after cooking.

Food Photography

When I started blogging, my pictures where really simple and basic. With time I found to be very interested in Photography and to me it is easier to take a good shot of food then to do a selfie!

I bought a camera and some basic gear and started learning about Food Photography.

As I love to use natural ingredients, I also like to take advantage of natural light in my photos.

All pictures here are mine, or have been taken in cooperation with friends.

Should you have any inquires about them, you can contact me here.

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